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Selby Chipman, a member of the inaugural class of female Eagle Scouts, addressed more than one thousand volunteers yesterday at Scouting America's National Annual Meeting.
Go whitewater rafting, and you and your friends will likely hop into a large inflatable raft. These vessels provide a smooth ride over fast-moving water, plus the elasticity to bounce off half-submerged rocks. Rocks might do more damage to a hard-shell kayak, but the smaller kayak would be easier to maneuver in the rapids.
Learn to tie the overhand knot in less than a minute! All you need is a single strand of rope.
The tie-dye tutorial of your dream is linked in our bio! Check it out. 😎☀️🏖️
“Explorer Academy is a fiction series inspired by the real explorers of National Geographic, featuring an international cast of middle-grade students,” author Trudi Trueit says. “The kids travel the world on a ship, learning, exploring and undertaking daring missions to help preserve and protect our planet.” #sponsored
Check out this cool patch for Scouts who choose to participate in the National Day of Prayer! Scouts from more than 100 councils have signed up, accounting for around 1,355 youth who be reading 293 combined hours of sacred texts on May 2.
We had so much fun observing the eclipse with you yesterday! Check out how Scouts around the country prepared for and celebrated the big event.
Be sure to #ScoutTheEclipse with us today live! Link in bio.
We NEED photos, videos, poetry and drawings for the big Scout Life eclipse livestream on April 8! Link in bio.
